we are servants of the Mystery. We were put here on earth to act as agents of the Infinite, to bring into existence that which is not yet, but which will be, through us. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

I’m in my beloved Italy these 2 1/2 weeks, specifically in Sicily. Even more specifically, in the Aeolian Islands where my mother’s roots lie, and thus, some of mine. It’s been unreal as I return home for all too short a week before a food press trip in Chengdu, China.
Here’s to my beloved neighbors north in Sonoma County recovering from yet more earth-shattering fires. My article this issue on Sonoma and Mendocino Counties is a reminder that this stunning region remains “open for business” and its riches and beauty are more precious than ever.

The Latest 6 Notable New San Francisco Openings: From modern French fine dining to Japanese curry.
Around the Bay Wine Country Inns with Exceptional Dining (+ Growing Their Own Produce): In our beloved Sonoma & Mendocino Counties, these inns serve world-class food.
Imbiber 9 Bars Serving Standout American Whiskey Cocktails: From NYC to SF, Denver to Oakland… whiskey cocktails worth drinking.
Wandering Traveler Bangkok’s Top 10 Bars
As your personal concierge who tells it like a good friend would, I create personalized itineraries; provide food and drink consulting for restaurants and bars; and classes at companies for the layperson wanting to dig deeper in food and drink (more info at virginia-miller.com).
ThePerfect Spot, Founder The Worlds 50 Best Restaurants Academy Chair www.virginia-miller.com
Table8 National Editor/VP ZAGAT SF Editor SF Bay Guardian Critic IWSC Spirits Judge ADI Distilling Lead Judge
Regular Outlets/Columns:
Liquor.com Haute Living Dining/Drink/Travel WhereTraveler Time Out Distiller Magazine Googles Touringbird Food Republic Gin Magazine Wine Access Books: Pur in Spirit & Distilled Stories
The Bold Italic, Alaska Airlines Magazine, The Bold Italic, Travelux Magazine, Thrillist, Whisky Magazine UK, The Times London, Liquor.com Drinkwire, Paste Magazine Travel, Eater, Tasting Panel, PureWow, Drink Me Magazine, Spoonwiz, Citysearch, NBCs The Feast, Blackboard Eats, Tasting Table, Grubstreet