… spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Don’t hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The very impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better
Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you.
Annie Dillard, The Writing Life

At the one night only, unforgettable Gelinaz! dinner with 16 of the world’s best chefs cooking together
As this goes out, I am off to my beloved New Orleans for restaurant and bar research and Tales of the Cocktail, the biggest cocktail industry event in the world and I’m excited to catch up on the latest restaurants and bars in Nola, a city I’ve covered and dug into extensively over the years.
As national editor at Table8, here is our latest dining around the country, as well as all my latest on Bay Area bests in fine dining, Healdsburg recommends and new openings.
This issue:

Burrata foam topped, Rutte Gin & San Marzano tomato cocktail at 54 Mint
Top Tastes SF’s Top 2 June Restaurant Openings: Plus 3 honorable mentions and 2 excellent new cocktail bars.
Imbiber 54 Mint: Transported to Italy with rare Italian spirits & a burrata foam-topped, San Marzano tomato cocktail.
Imbiber Your Secret Sherry Destination: Sherry lovers, this newer bar holds a surprising collection of excellent sherries.
On the Town 16 of the World’s Best Chefs Cook Together for One Night: An unreal, 16 course meal held in two parts at Benu and In Situ.
As your personal concierge who tells it like a good friend would, I also create personalized itineraries: trips, meals, explorations (under Services).
CLICKABLE LINKS to Social Media & Articles:
Table8, National Editor
Food Republic
Zagat SF Editor
Editor, Distiller Magazine
Liquor.com Drinkwire
SF Bay Guardian Critic (Weekly Column: 2009-2013)
Where Magazine
Freelance: Whisky Magazine UK, The Times London, Eater, Tasting Panel Magazine, PureWow, Spoonwiz, Drink Me Magazine, Citysearch, NBCs The Feast, Blackboard Eats, Tasting Table, Grubstreet
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