If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches…”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
It’s June! Top Tastes (best new places, dishes, drinks and bites from my culinary explorations) is mighty full again. Bibliophile highlights Sir Kingsley Amis’ classic collection, Everyday Drinking. In Around the Bay, it’s dessert time at Berkeley’s Cioccolata Di Vino.

The Grand Tavern in Oakland
Have five food/drink/travel-loving friends sign up for The Perfect Spot newsletter, and Ill give you The Perfect Meal recommendations for a meal based on your request (e.g. exploring a new neighborhood, date night, eating Vietnamese, German, etc ) In Wandering Traveler, I regularly cover places all over the world, so let foodie-travel-adventurer friends beyond the Bay Area know, too.
Id love your feedback on any spots visited from my site. As your Bay Area concierge (who tells it to you like a good friend would), I create personalized itineraries: trips, meals, explorations (check out Services).
Let me guide you to the perfect spot!
– Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ThePerfectSpot
– Check out my weekly San Francisco Bay Guardian online column, Appetite, by subscribing by RSS feed on the Arts & Culture blog (type in appetite in the search field to get the latest), or bookmark the Food & Dining page.
**Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Virginia Miller**
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