If I read a book, and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. – Emily Dickinson
Wow, has it been another overly full couple weeks… I am in Chicago as I write for a week of exploration. It’s been too many years since I was last there and I’m excited. Never enough time but I have a pretty stellar line-up slated.

Neyah White's build-your-own cocktail bar at SF Chefs.Food.Wine. Urban BBQ
Meanwhile, I’ve been eating well back home and Top Tastes reflects the best new places, dishes, drinks and bites from my culinary explorations. A highlight of the month, certainly in tastes, but I’d safely say the food and drink event of the year was the first annual (and first urban food/wine classic) SF Chefs.Food.Wine. event. Check out my photos in Happenings.
Have five food/drink/travel-loving friends sign up for The Perfect Spot

SF Chefs.Food.Wine.
newsletter, and Ill create Perfect Meal recommendations based on your request (e.g. exploring a new neighborhood, date night, eating Vietnamese, German, etc ) In Wandering Traveler, I regularly cover places all over, so let foodie-travel-adventurer friends beyond the Bay Area know, too.
Id love your feedback on any spots visited from my site. As your personal concierge who tells it to you like a good friend would, I create personalized itineraries: trips, meals, explorations (check out Services).
Let me guide you to the perfect spot!
– Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ThePerfectSpot
– Check out my weekly San Francisco Bay Guardian online column, Appetite, by subscribing by RSS feed on the Arts & Culture blog (type appetite in Search field to get the latest), or bookmark Food & Dining page.
**Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Virginia Miller**
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