I’ll admit that I’d rather say country ham than almost anything if the person I was saying it to happened to be a waitress. Calvin Trillin

Ma'velous, the best new coffee haven in the city
Winter and the holidays are fast upon us… I wish you sweet memories with family and friends.
I have begun writing “best of” lists for NBC’s new food site, The Feast, just launched in San Francisco. “Follow” my page and you will get an update whenever a new list is posted.
This issue, I eat build-your-own mac n’ cheese, coffee ribs at dim sum, and spinach custard in Top Tastes. Imbiber raves about an incredible new coffee haven. Imbiber, part two, covers top pours at two drink events: SF Indy Spirits Expo and Single Malt Extravaganza.

Dinner at Grub in the Mission
Bibliophile recommends five book gifts for drink aficionados and cooks. Around the Bay dines in Ukiah at Branches, a new chophouse/pub/bakery/butcher.
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Id love your feedback on any spots visited from my site. As your personal concierge who tells it to you like a good friend would, I also create personalized itineraries: trips, meals, explorations (under Services).
Let me guide you to the perfect spot,
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Heres recent entries in my SF Bay Guardian column, Appetite:
Thanksgiving wine recommendations
Indy Spirits Expo poured it on
Highlights from Single Malt Extravaganza
**Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Virginia Miller**