My latest print feature in Gin Magazine, issue 14/June-August 2021. This issue I cover three bartenders and global bars, featuring their cocktail recipes that creatively use Asian ingredients:
My latest print feature in Gin Magazine, issue 14/June-August 2021. This issue I cover three bartenders and global bars, featuring their cocktail recipes that creatively use Asian ingredients:
Talking the state of gin cocktails and bars in the States for the UK and Europe in my guest column in Gin Magazine , issue 9/Nov-Dec 2019. Here I talk gin cocktail trends nationally, with mentions of PCH (Pacific Cocktail Haven), Gibson, True Laurel, Whitechapel, Bellota and Barcino in SF; The Gin Room in St. Louis; Musso & Frank and… Read more →
My latest print feature in Gin Magazine (from the publishers of Whisky Magazine, which I have also written for here) is on 10 top Copenhagen bars that do right by gin (below): Lidkoeb, Balderdash, Curfew, Duck & Cover, The Barking Dog, Paloma Vermut, Rastlos Akvavit Bar, Bronnum, Strom, Ruby. Past issues of Gin Magazine:— My San Francisco bars article here— My Berlin bars article here— My Tokyo… Read more →