“I am tempted to believe that smell and taste are, in fact, but a single composite sense, whose laboratory is the mouth its chimney the nose.” – Brillat-Savarin
Despite economic woes, it’s been a month of great eats, food events and new restaurant openings in San Francisco. I’m looking forward to more slated for October. I share my favorite dishes this past month in Top Tastes (dishes, drinks and bites from my culinary explorations). This month, Featured Neighborhood is my “part two” on the Outer Richmond. I have a new section, Happenings, recapping a great food event I went to at La Cocina. Wandering Traveler is our chance to explore together enchanting Charleston.
I’d love your feedback on any spots you visited from my site. You can leave comments through the site or email me directly.
Let me guide you to the perfect spot!