Published November 3, 2021, in my The Bold Italic (TBI) column (my Bold Italic articles and weekly restaurant reviews here), Sonoma has long been, for me, the most beautiful town square of all Sonoma County. Visiting Dominique Crenn’s idyllic Bleu Belle Farm in Sonoma (which grows the produce for her restaurants and to feed the hungry), I also visited the town’s latest restaurants — mostly pandemic openings — plus a classic or two. My top nearby hotel recommend would be The Gaige House, but I’ll get into that in my future Glen Ellen edition. Here are five standouts for food and drink in the town of Sonoma proper:
Folktable, El Molino Central, Valley Bar + Bottle, Taub Family Outpost, the girl & the fig, Baker & Cook
California Wine Countries Series at TBI: — Harvest Season Staycations: Support Our Beloved Wine Countries, Sebastopol Edition

Folktable’s pork crepes

the girl and the fig sorbet cocktails

Taub Family Outpost mercantile

Valley Bar + Bottle ricotta and fruit

Taub Family Outpost’s salmon spread and cocktails