It is Scotch month at (a favorite subject of mine) and here are 11 of my top Scotch cocktails around the US now (click on each for the featured cocktail and bar/restaurant): Scotch is a serious drink: no question about it. But it’s also versatile and can be, dare we say it… playful? Bartenders nationwide are making the case… Read more →
Tag: Tulsa
Tulsa Time: 5 Top Places to Eat
While my birthtown of Oklahoma City is where my parents returned and dozens of my relatives live, my parents briefly lived in Tulsa in their younger years — and we returned for a nostalgic road trip this spring. Driving a portion of Route 66 on the short hour and a half drive between the cities, we passed industrial plants, farms,… Read more →
Top 7 Places to Drink Cocktails, Beer & Coffee in Tulsa
While my birthtown of Oklahoma City (specifically Edmond) is where my parents returned and dozens of my relatives live, my parents briefly lived in Tulsa in their younger years. We returned for a nostalgic road trip this spring (more on what’s great now in OKC here). Driving a portion of Route 66 on the short hour and a half drive… Read more →