Worth Crossing the Bridge For: Daytrip Evolves Into One of Oakland’s Best

Published April 14, 2023, in my Medium column:

Opened October 2021 by Finn Stern and Stella Dennig, as Oakland’s Daytrip approaches one and a half years of age, it has become clear it’s one of the city’s best restaurants now. It was named one of Bon Appetit’s top 10 new restaurants in America in 2022 and is one of the tougher reservations in OAK.

ARTICLE HERE: https://medium.com/@virginiamiller_29308/worth-crossing-the-bridge-for-daytrip-evolves-into-one-of-oaklands-best-6f6b12069e23

Daytrip’s celery salad and bread
Daytrip’s miso noodles
Daytrip’s fennel and egg salad
Daytrip‘s chamomile chicken clarified broth