“Real Deal” Turkish Food at Palo Alto’s New Meyhouse

Transported to Istanbul in this chic Peninsula newcomer where you can fill up on Turkish mezze, raki and cocktails

Published September 20, 2023, in my Medium column:

When I first dined at Meyhouse in Sunnyvale in 2019 not long after it opened, it was the best Turkish restaurant I’d been to in the West. So when I heard they were opening their second, more elegant Palo Alto location, I was “in,” despite the 45-ish minute drive there and back from San Francisco. As often happens, the opening was delayed, but Meyhouse finally debuted August 9, 2023, in a massive space with open air windows overlooking walkable downtown Palo Alto.

Article: https://medium.com/@virginiamiller_29308/real-deal-turkish-food-at-palo-altos-new-meyhouse-87e3c13c4606

Meyhouse Palo Alto’s raki service
Meyhouse Palo Alto’s alinazik beef skewers
Meyhouse Palo Alto open air view
Meyhouse Palo Alto’s Turkmen mantisi