I was… an ex-newspaper reporter who had found God in the details of uni sushi and truffled fettucine. – Gael Greene, Insaitable

9/19 Beer & Chocolate Class at Recchiuti (more to come on this event next issue)
I’m moving… into my first house, or rather, in true city fashion, condo. It’s a beautiful 1890’s Victorian house in the Haight, completely redone. Though not large, my unit is lovely. By next issue, I’ll be just moved in. For now, it’s the drain of packing, purging, mentally adjusting from the happiest home I’ve known in Noe, to a whole new season. Excited and fearful for the new, a comforting meal and drink is especially needed in times of transition and exhaustion.
Top Tastes reflects the best new places, dishes, drinks and bites from my culinary explorations since the last issue. Wandering Traveler is the first of many jaunts we’ll take to Chicago. The Latest highlights Jannah’s affordable, creative Middle Eastern fare.
Have five food/drink/travel-loving friends sign up for The Perfect Spot newsletter, and Ill create Perfect Meal recommendations based on your request (e.g. exploring a new neighborhood, date night, eating Vietnamese, German, etc ) In Wandering Traveler, I regularly cover places all over, so let foodie-travel-adventurer friends beyond the Bay Area know, too.
Id love your feedback on any spots visited from my site. As your personal concierge who tells it to you like a good friend would, I create personalized itineraries: trips, meals, explorations (check out Services).
Let me guide you to the perfect spot!
– Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ThePerfectSpot
– Check out my weekly San Francisco Bay Guardian online column, Appetite, by subscribing by RSS feed on the Arts & Culture blog (type appetite in Search field), or bookmark the Food & Dining page.
**Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Virginia Miller**
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