44 search results for "whiskyfest"

November 1, 2012

“… Renaissance means “rebirth”, a rebirth of faith in our potential, a belief that what we do matters. For cultures, as for individuals, when we reach out courageously to express our ideals, our lives blossom into new possibilities.” – Diane Dreher, Your Personal Renaissance As this goes out, I am flying to Hawaii for the first half of November –… Read more →

October 15, 2012

“My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends – it gives a lovely light!” – Edna St. Vincent Millay Fall is full with tastes and exploration as I journey on a few press trips not far from the Bay Area – to the Diestel family turkey farm near… Read more →

Inside News from Anchor Distilling: A New, Clear Hops Spirit, Line of Japanese Whiskies, Rooftop Bar, World’s Most Extensive Cocktail Book Library, and More

Article and photos (unless otherwise noted) by Virginia Miller Anchor Distilling is a local treasure. Fritz Maytag pioneered craft beer and craft spirits in America long before most were even thinking about it. Tracing back Fritz’ brewing days to the 1960’s puts San Francisco squarely on the map as a leader and trendsetter in beer, while in spirits Fritz alongside… Read more →

October 1, 2012

 “I am a staunch defender of moderation in all things. But I fully intend to continue to eat. And drink. And be as blissfully merry  as my old bones will allow. I count eating and drinking among the chief pleasures of life and without pleasure who wants to live to 102.” – Craig Claiborne It’s my favorite season… the time… Read more →

Notable New Fall Whisk(e)y Releases

I’ll take whisk(e)y year round… but as summer evolves to fall, it seems all the more appropriate enjoyed on crisp nights, preferably fireside. Thankfully, WhiskyFest approaches this Friday, October 5, in the usual massive, underground Marriott ballrooms. Recapping past years, VIP early pours of rare whiskies and seminars tend to be highlights. There’s another seminar this week with the legendary,… Read more →

October 15, 2011

“No matter how developed you are in any other area of your life, no matter what you say you believe, no matter how sophisticated or enlightened you think you are, how you eat tells all.” – Geneen Roth Believe it or not, I am heading overseas again to Scotland, though just freshly returned from Bordeaux two weeks ago! I will… Read more →

SAUSALITO’s Plate Shop & Bar Bocce

Plate Shop, 39 Caledonia (at Johnson), Sausalito, 415-887-9047 Plate Shop is just what Sausalito (and Marin) needed: a city-savvy restaurant with proper cocktails and imaginative dish preparation. Not to say all is idyllic at this new hotspot. In early opening weeks, service is attentive but the clientele isn’t always so. I watched an overly-suntanned, blonde woman bark at her sweet… Read more →

Whiskies of the World 2011

There’s always fine pours to be had at the (12th) annual Whiskies of the World (a.k.a. WoW) — held March 26th — particularly from smaller distilleries. Bourbon, rye, scotch, Japanese and Irish whiskies all flow freely. As I said in my coverage last year when it was held at Hotel Nikko, the downside was tight, body-to-body crowds. This year, that… Read more →

October 15, 2010

“[On San Francisco]: I fell in love with the most cordial and sociable city in the Union… after the sage-brush and alkali deserts of Washoe, San Francisco was Paradise to me.” – Mark Twain In the throes of a warm, gorgeous San Francisco Fall, I want to let you know my next issue (out twice a month, on the 1st… Read more →